Re: copy ligature's unicode
Copy-and-paste of the underlying text codepoints is a function of the application and system environment, not of the font.2 -
Re: Initial and Medial-Final Latin characters
The shortcoming of your approach to this feature is that it won’t account for initial characters at the beginning of a line, since there is no preceding trigger.Usually, I approach these situations f…6 -
Re: Initial and Medial-Final Latin characters
This situation is encountered frequently when writing features for connecting scripts. For designs where the default forms of glyphs have both incoming and outgoing connections, it’s not uncommon to …1 -
Re: Scrunch!
I still have my Letraset burnisher. Still have my Chartpak burnisher, too. The corners of the flat end are all rounded off from decades of use. I still use it for burnishing collages and stuff.(The o…2 -
Re: Launch Timing
Or December.2